Katherine Towler is author of a memoir, The Penny Poet of Portsmouth, chosen as a Best Book of 2016 by Entropy Magazine, and the novels Snow Island, Evening Ferry, and Island Light, a trilogy set on a fictional New England island. With Ilya Kaminsky, she is co-editor of A God in the House: Poets Talk About Faith, a collection of interviews with Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, and atheist poets. Her essays, poetry, short stories, and interviews have appeared in Ploughshares, The Sun, Agni, Poetry International, Image, and other literary journals. She has received fellowships from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and Phillips Exeter Academy, where she was the George Bennett writer-in-residence. She attended the University of Michigan and completed Masters degrees in Writing and English Literature at Johns Hopkins and the Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College. She has taught creative writing to students of all ages and currently teaches graduate students in the low residency Mountainview MFA Program in Writing at Southern New Hampshire University. She also works as a freelance writer specializing in publications and promotional materials for schools and non-profits. She grew up in New York City and lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.